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Guide to a floating offshore wind farm
Floating technology
Fixed versus floating
Wind farm costs
Lifecycle overview
Detailed guide
1.1. This Guide
1.2 Assumptions used in this Guide
Development and project management
P Development and project management
P.1 Development and consenting services
P.1.1 Environmental impact assessments
P.2 Environmental surveys
P.2.1 Offshore species and habitat surveys
P.2.1.1 Offshore ornithological and mammal surveying vessels and craft
P.2.2 Onshore environmental surveys
P.2.3 Human impact studies
P.3 Resource and metocean assessment
P.4 Geological and hydrographical surveys
P.4.1 Geophysical surveys
P.4.1.1 Geophysical survey vessels
P.4.2 Geotechnical surveys
P.4.2.1 Geotechnical survey vessels
P.4.3 Hydrographic surveys
P.5 Engineering and consultancy
P.6 Project management
Wind turbine
T Wind Turbine
T.1 Nacelle
T.2 Rotor
T.3 Tower
T.4 Electrical system
Balance of plant
B Balance of plant
B.1 Cables
B.1.1 Array Cable
B.1.1.1 Array cable core
B.1.1.2 Array cable outer
B.1.2 Export cable
B.1.2.1 Export cable core
B.1.2.2 Export cable outer
B.1.3 Cable accessories
B.1.3.1 Interface
B.1.3.2 Cable protection
B.1.3.3 Buoyancy
B.1.3.4 Connectors and joints
B.2 Floating substructure
B.2.1 Primary structure
B.2.2 Secondary steel
B.2.3 Substructure auxiliary systems
B.2.4 Corrosion protection
B.3 Mooring system
B.3.1 Anchors
B.3.2 Mooring lines
B.3.3 Jewellery
B.3.4 Topside connections
B.4 Offshore substation
B.4.1 HVAC electrical system
B.4.2 HVDC electrical system
B.4.3 Auxiliary systems
B.4.4 Topside structure
B.4.5 Foundation
B.5 Onshore substation
B.5.1 Electrical system
B.5.2 Buildings, access, and security
Installation and commissioning
I Installation and commissioning
I.1 Offshore substation installation
I.1.1 Substation installation vessel
I.2 Offshore cable installation
I.2.1 Export cable installation
I.2.2 Array cable installation
I.2.3 Cable-laying vessel
I.2.4 Cable-laying equipment
I.2.5 Cable pull-in
I.2.6 Electrical testing and termination
I.3 Onshore export cable installation
I.4 Anchor and mooring pre-installation
I.4.1 Anchor-handling vessel
I.4.2 Installation equipment
I.5 Floating offshore wind turbine assembly
I.5.1 Heavy lifting and moving equipment
I.5.2 Technician services
I.6 Floating offshore wind turbine installation
I.6.1 Tow-out
I.6.2 Mooring line hook-up
I.6.3 Array cable hook-up
I.6.4 Final commissioning
I.7 Inbound transport
I.8 Construction port
I.9 Offshore logistics
I.9.1 Sea-based support
I.9.2 Marine coordination
I.9.3 Weather forecasting and metocean data
I.9.4 Marine safety and rescue
Operations and maintenance
O Operations and maintenance
O.1 Operations
O.1.1 Operations control centre
O.1.2 Training
O.1.3 Onshore logistics
O.2 Maintenance
O.2.1 Turbine maintenance
O.2.1.1 Blade inspection and minor repair
O.2.1.2 Unmanned aerial vehicle
O.2.2 Balance of plant maintenance
O.2.2.1 Floating substructure monitoring, inspection and minor repair
O.2.2.2 Anchors and mooring system inspection and minor repair
O. Remotely operated vehicle
O. Autonomous underwater vehicle
O.2.2.3 Cable monitoring, inspection and minor repair
O.2.2.4 Scour monitoring and management
O.2.2.5 Substation monitoring and maintenance
O.2.3 Statutory inspections
O.2.3.1 Health and safety equipment
O.3 Major repair
O.3.1 Main component refurbishment, replacement, and repair (in-situ)
O.3.2 Main component refurbishment, replacement, and repair (tow-to-port)
O.4 Offshore vessels and logistics
O.4.1 Crew transfer vessels
O.4.2 Service operation vessels
O.4.3 Turbine access systems
O.4.4 Helicopters
O.5 O&M port
D Decommissioning
D.1 Floating offshore wind turbine decommissioning
D.2 Anchor and mooring system decommissioning
D.3 Cable decommissioning
D.4 Offshore substation decommissioning
D.5 Decommissioning port
D.6 Reuse, recycling, or disposal
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