UK content

Alongside its contribution to UK energy needs, the UK’s floating offshore wind sector is also bringing local economic benefits, in terms of investment and local job creation. To help track progress, the industry tracks UK content.

UK content is defined in Methodology for measuring the UK content of UK offshore wind farms (BVG Associates for Department of Energy and Climate Change, The Crown Estate and RenewableUK, May 2015, available online at

Aggregate 48% UK content – typical for recent fixed offshore wind projects

The first chart shows a scenario for a floating offshore wind farm in the UK that reaches the total UK content seen for typical recent fixed offshore wind farms. The overall UK content is 48% of undiscounted lifetime spend. To reach this UK content figure the key contributions could be:

  • Development and project management, where the UK has a capable supply chain
  • Balance of plant, where any floating substructure manufacturing in the UK contributes significantly to total UK content given its large proportion of lifetime spend, and
  • Operations and maintenance, where much of the activity is close to the wind farm site.

Aggregate 60% UK content – aspirational figure for projects to meet sector deal target.

The second chart shows an aspirational UK content scenario for a floating offshore wind farm in the UK constructed in 2030. This is based on the intent of the sector deal published in February 2019 (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy). Overall, the UK content equates to 60% of undiscounted lifetime spend. The key changes in contributions to reach 60% UK content could be:

  • Turbine, if greater value of the towers, blades, nacelle, and electrical systems are provided by the UK
  • Balance of plant, if increased manufacturing and assembly of floating substructure takes place in the UK, and

Installation and commissioning, if marine contractors from all locations maximise their UK supply chain.

Guide to a floating offshore wind farm