Skilled personnel operating plant, such as cranes and SPMTs, for pre-assembly and assembly of the turbine with the floating substructure. Dedicated personnel complete pre-commissioning in port and final commissioning at site once the floating offshore wind turbine has been towed-out and hooked-up.
What it costs
About £2 million for a 450 MW floating offshore wind farm.
Who supplies them
Global Wind Service, James Fisher, Semco Maritime, Swire Energy Services, Windhoist and Worley Services.
Key facts
Turbine pre-assembly and assembly onto floating substructures is undertaken jointly by the turbine supplier technicians and the installation contractor. The turbine supplier is usually responsible for the lifts of the turbine components along with mechanical and electrical completion and final commissioning.
Members of the turbine supplier team are expected to travel with the turbine on board the AHV to monitor the transit and accelerations of the turbine during tow-out and hook-up.
What’s in it
- Specialist assembly equipment including bolt tensioning, bolt torquing and electrical testing
- Landside generators
- Technicians